The eleventh and final step is to prepare the recovery plan, followed by a review, approval, and dissemination process. The lead agency may prepare the recovery plan with the post-disaster damage, loss, and needs assessment report and documented outputs of the preceding 10 steps.


In preparation of the recovery plan, the lead agency should carefully balance the need for a detailed, clear, and well-presented report; with the need to urgently approve and disseminate to all stakeholders.


After the preparation and review of the report, the lead agency may call for a multi-stakeholder forum to present the key points of the report, seek consensus and commitments from all stakeholders, and agree on the proposed recovery steps. 


After all of the above steps have been undertaken, the lead agency should draft the recovery plan and submit to the highest authorities for approval. The Plan can be drafted using the following outline:


  1. Foreword
  2. Acknowledgement
    • This part shall enumerate the ministries, agencies, local governments, international and local organizations and persons that helped in drafting the Plan
  3. Table of Contents
    • The name of chapters in the Plan
  4. Acronyms
    • The list of abbreviations used and their meanings, for ease of reference
  5. Executive Summary
    • This part shall contain a brief description of the activities that led to the drafting of the Plan which are:
      • The description of the disaster that occurred: the type of disaster; the time and date it occurred; among others
      • The areas affected: districts and villages, the people (women, children, elderly and other vulnerable groups)
      • Infrastructure and livelihoods (damages and losses of the sectors)
      • Economy (macroeconomic effects)
      • The response of the government: all the emergency activities and agencies involved
      • The damage, loss and needs assessment conducted.
      • The processes undertaken in drafting the Plan
    • The concise description of the contents of the Plan, specifically on the intended impacts, outcomes, outputs and the strategic framework, monitoring and evaluation among others.
      • Impacts, Outcomes and Outputs
      • Strategic framework for recovery and reconstruction
      • Needs (by programs and projects by sector)
      • Investment and financing plan
      • Mechanism for Implementation
      • Monitoring and evaluation



Chapter I. Overview

  1. The pre-disaster socio-economic status of the area/s affected and the economic projections for the year and the succeeding years.
    • Growth sectors – The major sectors like agriculture, tourism, power, etc.
    • Employment – The pre-disaster employment rate projections based on the growth of the economy.
    • Poverty Incidence – The estimated number of poor families.
  2. General description of the extent of the effects of the disaster
    • Areas affected (districts by province)
    • Lives lost per area (districts by province), by sex and age group
    • Types of infrastructure affected (roads, bridges, houses, power, water supply, etc.)
    • Livelihoods affected (farmers, micro-entrepreneurs, etc.)
    • Initial general impacts on the socio-economic conditions of the people in the areas like health and nutrition, education, income, etc. with special mention of women, children and other vulnerable groups like IPs.
  3. The Government’s post-disaster emergency response
    • Government assistance extended by area (food, water, medicine, clothing, emergency shelter and other relief assistance)
    • Government expenditures
    • Assistance from donors (international agencies as well as local and international organizations)
    • Initial results of assistance provided
    • Other activities done by the government, donors and the affected communities.
  4. The present situation in the disaster-affected areas
    • The conditions of the disaster victims and activities being done by the government and other development partners at present (while the Plan is being drafted).


Chapter II. Post-Disaster, Damage, Loss, and Needs Assessment

Based on the post-disaster needs assessment report, the effects of each sector are summarized here. It should be noted that the details of the damages and losses presented in this chapter can be found in the assessment report.

  • The damages and losses for each sector.
  • The social impact assessment.
  • The macroeconomic impact assessment.
  • The cross-cutting issues (gender, environment, disaster risk reduction, etc.)
  • The identified needs per sector per affected region or provinces.


Chapter III. Recovery Plan

  • The process undertaken to come up with the recovery plan.
  • The Recovery Plan’s Vision, Intended Impacts/Objectives, Outcomes, Outputs
  • Strategic framework and guiding principles for recovery and reconstruction.
  • Priority Sectors for recovery.
  • Projects identified for recovery and reconstruction by area and by sector.
  • Financing options.
  • Implementation arrangements.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Coordination and Communication strategy.




  • List of priority projects per sector.
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Others,




After the preparation and review of the report, the lead agency may call for a multi-stakeholder forum to present the key points of the report, seek consensus and commitments from all stakeholders, and agree on the proposed recovery steps. The result of the forum should be a clear consensus, commitment (responsibilities, resource commitments, expectations), and endorsement of the recovery plan.